Alex Erkine laboratory
4. T. Y. Erkina, P. A. Tschetter, A. M. Erkine. 2008. Different requirement of SWI/SNF complex for the robust
nucleosome displacement at promoters of HSF and Msn2/4 regulated heat shock genes. Mol. Cell. Biol.
5. A. M. Erkina, A. M. Erkine. 2006. Displacement of histones at promoters of yeast heat shock genes is differentially
associated with histone H3 acetylation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26(20):7587-600. Summary figure used as a cover art for MCB
6. H. Singh, A. M. Erkine, S. B. Kremer, H. M. Duttweiler, D. A. Davis, J. Iqbal, R. R. Gross, D. S. Gross. 2006. A
functional module of yeast mediator that governs the dynamic range of heat-shock gene expression. Genetics.
7. A. M. Erkine. 2004. Activation domains of gene-specific transcription factors: are histones among their targets?
Biochem. Cell Biol. 82: 453-459. (Made a front cover of the issue 4 of the journal).
8. A. M. Erkine and D. S. Gross 2003. Dynamic chromatin remodeling triggered by natural and synthetic activation
domains. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 7755-64.
9. C. B. Bourgeois-Venturi, A. M. Erkine and D. S. Gross. 2000. Cell Cycle-Dependent Binding of Yeast Heat Shock
Factor to Nucleosomes. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20: 6435-6448.
10. Raitt, A. L. Johnson, A. M. Erkine, K. Makino, B. Morgan, D. S. Gross, L. H. Johnston. 2000. The Skn7 response
regulator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae interacts with Hsf1 in vivo and is required for the induction of heat shock
genes by oxidative stress. Mol. Biol. Cell 11: 2335-2347.
11. A. M. Erkine, S. F. Magrogan, E. A. Sekinger, D. S. Gross. 1999. Cooperative binding of heat shock factor to the
yeast HSP82 promoter in vivo and in vitro. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19: 1627-1639.
12. Y. Lee, W. M. Wong, D. Gayer, A. M. Erkine, R. N. Nazar. 1997. In vivo analyses of upstream promoter sequence
elements in the 5S rRNA gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Mol. Biol. 269: 676-683.
13. A. M. Erkine, C. C. Adams, T. Diken, D. S. Gross. 1996. Heat shock factor gains access to the yeast HSC82
promoter independently of other sequence-specific factors and antagonizes nucleosomal repression of basal and
induced transcription. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16: 7004-7017.
14. A. M. Erkine, C. C. Adams, M. Gao, D. S. Gross. 1995. Multiple protein-DNA interactions over the yeast HSC82 heat
shock gene promoter. Nucleic Acids Res. 23: 1822-1829.
15. A. M. Erkine, C.Szent-Gyorgyi, S. F. Simmons, D. S. Gross. 1995. The upstream sequences of the HSP82 and
HSC82 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: regulatory elements and nucleosome positioning motifs. Yeast 11:
16. Y. Lee, A. M. Erkine, D. I. Van Ryk, R. N. Nazar.1995. In vivo analyses of the internal control region in the 5S rRNA
gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Res. 23: 634-640.
17. M. A. Karymov, A. A. Kruchinin, Yu. A. Tarantov, I. A. Balova, L. A. Remisova, N. G. Sukhodolov, A. I. Yanklovich, A.
M. Erkine *(Yorkin). 1992. Legmuir-Blodgett film based membrane for a DNA-probe biosensor. Sensors and
Actuators B. 6: 208-210.
18. A. M. Erkine *(Erkin). 1992. Characterization of chromatin fibers immobilized on a polycationic surface.
Biochemistry (Russ.) 57: 312-316.
19. A. M. Erkine *(Erkin). 1987. Localization of lysine-rich histones and linker DNA in the higher-order chromatin
structure. Leningrad State University, PhD thesis.
20. A. M. Erkine *(Erkin). 1987. Chromatin on the membrane: analysis of histone H5 accessibility for antibodies in the
higher order chromatin structure. Mol. Biol. (Russ.) 21: 688-695.
21. A. M. Erkine *(Erkin), L. G. Vodopyanova, A. A. Lipskaya, A. V. Kozlov. 1987. Some peculiarities of histone H5
limited tripsinolysis in solution and as a component of chromatin with different levels of compactization.
Biochemistry (Russ.) 52: 396-404.
22. A. M. Erkine *(Erkin). 1986. DNA protection from DNase I action by supernucleosomal chromatin structure.
Bulletin of Leningrad State University 3: 78-83.
23. M. I. Mosevitski, A. M. Erkine *(Erkin). 1982. About the distribution specificity of modification forms and histone
subfractions in chromatin. Rep.Acad.Sci.USSR 262: 1510-1513.
24. V. A. Pospelov, A. M. Erkine *(Erkin), A. T. Khachatrian. 1981. H1 and H5 histone arrangement in chromatin of
pigeon erythrocytes. FEBS Lett. 128: 315-317.
* In parenthesis is the alternative spelling of the last name due to an inconsistency of spelling regulations in Russia
during different time periods.
Major Publications
1. T.Y. Erkina, Y. Zou, S. Freeling, V.I. Vorobyev, A. M. Erkine. Functional
interplay between chromatin remodeling complexes SWI/SNF, ISWI, and
RSC in regulation of yeast heat shock genes. 2010 Nucleic Acids Res.
2. T Y. Liu, S. Ye and A. M. Erkine. Analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
genome for the distributions of stress-response elements potentially
affecting gene expression by transcriptional interference. 2009 In Silico
Biology, 9, 0030.
3. T. Y. Erkina, M. V. Lavrova, A. M. Erkine. Alternative ways of stress
regulation in cells of S. cerevisiae: transcription activators Msn2 and Msn4.
2009 Cell and Tissue Biology 51(2):121-129